Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Back after an extended break...

Okay, so I've obviously been out of blogging action for a while now. I'm sorry. Life got in the way and I decided I was going to make an effort to enjoy it for a change. And I've only really turned on my computer at home to catch up on the episodes of Glee that I've missed (and also any random 'reality' shows regaring Essex and Chelsea - TOO funny). So, in brief, here's a bit about what I've been doing over the last few weeks...
  • Seeing the new boy. I can't lie - there's a new boy in my life and I've been enjoying it.
  • Feeling alternately smug about seeing a boy, and then a bit panicked. In regards to the smugness, I find myself sitting and just smiling randomly to myself. It's beginning to annoy me. I think I make up for it though with the random moments of panic of the 'does he really like me/should it really feel so natural/am I going MAD' type thoughts. I put this down to hormones and having had many years of truly appauling boyfriends. Having a normal one is something of a shock.  
  • Worrying about the number of grey hairs I'm currently growing. And also the annoying spots I've been getting. It's like I'm a strange old lady/teenage freak. I don't like it. So I've ditched eating bread (this seems to help me with acne) and am going to dye my hair.
  • Worrying about the fact that most of the skin on my chin is falling off. I think this might be a direct response to stubble (see point 1)
  • Working, working, working. This is not particularly noteworthy, but I'm cranking up a lot of hours in the office at the moment.
  • Enjoying the sunshine - it has been unbelievably lovely in London of late, and being somewhat outdoorsy, I prefer to be out and about rather than stuck indoors.
That's really about it, to be honest.

Back to Happy Things and the original purpose of this blog - it made me happy today to open the shutters to my office and see the sunshine and the flowers outside.


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