Sometimes it's just not possible to say goodbye to a pair of shoes, however much they try to tell you otherwise. This particular pair of boots seem to have a dodgy heel, as on the outing previous to this, the heel one one of them broke through the middle for the second time. The breaking incident (both times) has happened when I'm mid journey, so I'm forced to hobble along with on foot on tiptoe so not to damage the broken heel. Attractive - and a challenge walking with wonky legs.
Anyway, a bit of superglue, and my shoe doctoring skills seem to have done the trick. They look so good with my ubiquitous costume of dress, belt and cardigan!!
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Shoepershoe challenge #6 - another little pair of pumps
Yikes, it's been a while since I managed to post a shoe challenge - lucky I managed to have a few photos to upload! These are pair of Office pumps with a slightly wedged heel - useful for those days when flats are good but heels are too much. I didn't take a close up as the heels are a bit muddy, and I don't want to be accused ot failing to look after my shoes.
It does look like the majority of my fashion choices are dresses with belts - I must diversify!!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Happy things: Sunshine, earthworks and old stones
I've had a lovely time enjoying the sunshine over the last few days. It does make a HUGE difference when the sky is blue and it finally feels warm enough not to wear a coat.
I spent the weekend with my friend Tigs and we went off to Avebury to enjoy the archeology and more importantly, my discount in the National Trust tearoom. So good. Avebury is the biggest stone circle in Europe (or something like that) and being a graduate of history and archaeology, it's somewhere that I have ALWAYS wanted to go. And it did live up to expectations. Here's a picture of the ditch around the edge in the sunshine. Big.
Being fairly unskilled with a camera, I didn't get a good close up of the circle itself, but I did get a snap of the lichen on the stones.
Amazing to think that the same stones have been there for about 5000 years. Amazing.
I could spend several hours waxing lyrical about the joys of a good earthwork, but I suspect I have lost you. Don't worry though, I have some shoe pictures for shoe challenges so I will eneavour to find some time to upload them.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
The traumatic day of Tilly the cat
Tilly the cat is a rather small, black moggy who lives at home with my parents. Her favourite pastimes include cuddling my Dad, catching squirrels and trying to escape into the wider corners of the family home. This is what happened to her over the last few days.
My parents went away for the weekend to visit my little sister and a usual, one of our neighbours popped in a couple of times a day to feed her. When my parents returned from the said trip on Monday, they were informed that the cat food had not been eaten and that Tilly hadn’t been about.
Being a nosy sort of cat and a complete opportunist, over the winter Tilly had made friends with some people down the road who had been feeding her and thought she was a stray. As with any sensible creature who is given a free meal, she kept going back (and we WONDERED why she had put on weight).
Over the weekend, the couple decided to ask about her and spoke to a good family friend of ours if they knew anyone with a small, black cat. After being told ‘no, we can’t think of anyone’ (grrr – when they have seen Tilly, like, 1000,000 times), she was promptly captured and whisked off to the local RSPCA.
On arrival at the RSPCA, Tilly was identified as being 18 months old and pregnant. Now the story takes a dramatic turn for the worse, as Tilly was spayed after she had kittens. In 1998. Yesterday then saw her being operated on for no reason, as she has no lady bits which need disposing of, whilst my Mum frantically phoned the RSPCA and then the vet, trying to find out where she was.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Shoeper shoe chllenge # 5 - boots
I'm pleased to have saved my first pair of boots for the challenge, before it beomes too spring-y and they get relegated to the shoe boxes for the summer months. I think these are a Dune pair and this was their first outing in a while. I think that their outing before this one constituted a mad dash with my sister across the West End of London as we were running rather late for the performance of the Lion King musical that we were due to be attending. When I say 'mad dash', what I really mean is that my sister sprinted ahead whilst I hopped across the cobbles of Covent Garden in persuit and though 'never again'. It was her fault for wanting to buy Percy Pigs from M&S. Needless to say we made it, and I limped for the rest of the day. I have never mastered the art of running in heels!!
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
The week in which I give up things for Lent
Argh, it's been such a crazy couple of weeks, I've completely neglected the whole blogging thing. I haven't had time to think about which shoes I'm going to wear, look for happy things or even do anything stupid, which is a novel occurrance in itself. The last week has been all about the work and not very much else.
The highlight of the week though HAS to be my Dad's 60th birthday party. It was an excellent excuse to drink, eat cheese, catch up with family and drink some more. We had a fantastic get together with my aunties, uncles, cousins and some family friends. I got a leetle bit tiddly. I blame my Dad and his super strength gin and tonics. Normally I can drink a few buckets of gin and not feel a thing, but as soon as the old boy is let loose with the Gordons, I'm feeling distinctly squiffy. Very odd.
By far the most impressive thing about the whole occasion was that I got through the weekend without eating any cake. In my crazyness last week, I decided to give up cake, chocolate, biscuits and bread. The reason for all this self denial? I am going to look DAMN good in shorts come the summer. That's pretty much it, to be honest. And I do like to set myself a small challenge to see if I can manage it. Of course, I am going to have to do a bit of exercise to supplement the craziness, which I am going to make plans to do tomorrow...or the day after...or SOON. Please note: I am not giving up the important things like cheese or pasta or alcohol. That would just be silly!
One week into my crazy Lent give-up-fest, and there are two noticable differences. One is that my spots have disappeared. I am one of the unfortunate people in the world who suffers on and off with adult acne and it utterly sucks. Recently it's been worse than it has in a while and I hate it. I'm 31. My skin should have learned how to stop behaving like a teenager, even if the rest of my hasn't caught up yet. Anyway, it's improved dramatically, and let's hope it stays that way. The second difference is that I seem to have lost the ability to string together coherent sentences - I was stuttering like a complete fool today - something that usually only happens when I'm tired or when I'm agitated or excited. But nope, my brain-voice coordination has completely failed. I'm trying to decide if it's better to be spotty but be able to hold an intelligent conversation, or clear skinned and a blathering wreck. If any readers are able to offer an opinion, I'd be most grateful!
The highlight of the week though HAS to be my Dad's 60th birthday party. It was an excellent excuse to drink, eat cheese, catch up with family and drink some more. We had a fantastic get together with my aunties, uncles, cousins and some family friends. I got a leetle bit tiddly. I blame my Dad and his super strength gin and tonics. Normally I can drink a few buckets of gin and not feel a thing, but as soon as the old boy is let loose with the Gordons, I'm feeling distinctly squiffy. Very odd.
By far the most impressive thing about the whole occasion was that I got through the weekend without eating any cake. In my crazyness last week, I decided to give up cake, chocolate, biscuits and bread. The reason for all this self denial? I am going to look DAMN good in shorts come the summer. That's pretty much it, to be honest. And I do like to set myself a small challenge to see if I can manage it. Of course, I am going to have to do a bit of exercise to supplement the craziness, which I am going to make plans to do tomorrow...or the day after...or SOON. Please note: I am not giving up the important things like cheese or pasta or alcohol. That would just be silly!
One week into my crazy Lent give-up-fest, and there are two noticable differences. One is that my spots have disappeared. I am one of the unfortunate people in the world who suffers on and off with adult acne and it utterly sucks. Recently it's been worse than it has in a while and I hate it. I'm 31. My skin should have learned how to stop behaving like a teenager, even if the rest of my hasn't caught up yet. Anyway, it's improved dramatically, and let's hope it stays that way. The second difference is that I seem to have lost the ability to string together coherent sentences - I was stuttering like a complete fool today - something that usually only happens when I'm tired or when I'm agitated or excited. But nope, my brain-voice coordination has completely failed. I'm trying to decide if it's better to be spotty but be able to hold an intelligent conversation, or clear skinned and a blathering wreck. If any readers are able to offer an opinion, I'd be most grateful!
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Shoepershoe challenge #3 & #4 - two for the price of one
You may remember that I ranted a bit about my journey home from my recent girls night out, but I neglected to mention that it formed a helpful part of the Shoepershoe Challenge. I decided that in honour of Girls' Night Out, I should wear a pair of fabulous shoes (like I need an excuse). The only problem I have though, is that fabulous shoes are not really suited to the day job. I came up with this cunning solution: wear one pair in the day and one pair in the evening. Hoorah!! Admittedly, I did take both photos in the morning, but I did wear both - you can take my word for it. And when you see the party pair, I'm sure you'll understand why I can't NOT wear these babies.
First for the day shoes:
These are a pair of bog standard, M&S ballet flats. Very comfortable, worn to death.
And the party pair:
I don't think I can actually begin to tell you how much I LOVE my green Ravel wedges, they have a pretty bow and everything.
Here's a close up:
Prrreeeeeettttyy shoes. Apart from the sweaty footprint in my flats, but the least said about that, the better I think.
First for the day shoes:
These are a pair of bog standard, M&S ballet flats. Very comfortable, worn to death.
And the party pair:
I don't think I can actually begin to tell you how much I LOVE my green Ravel wedges, they have a pretty bow and everything.
Here's a close up:
Prrreeeeeettttyy shoes. Apart from the sweaty footprint in my flats, but the least said about that, the better I think.
Shoepershoe challenge #2 - the one I almost forgot
I wore these shoes last week and then TOTALLY forgot to blog about them. I have worn more than one pair of shoes since 14th Feb, I promise. So, here they are:
These are a pair of Office shoes that I have had for AGES, I always forget to wear them, so I dragged them out of hiding. I did take a close up, but they are so scuffed around the edges it's shameful.
These are a pair of Office shoes that I have had for AGES, I always forget to wear them, so I dragged them out of hiding. I did take a close up, but they are so scuffed around the edges it's shameful.
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