Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The week in which I give up things for Lent

Argh, it's been such a crazy couple of weeks, I've completely neglected the whole blogging thing. I haven't had time to think about which shoes I'm going to wear, look for happy things or even do anything stupid, which is a novel occurrance in itself. The last week has been all about the work and not very much else.

The highlight of the week though HAS to be my Dad's 60th birthday party. It was an excellent excuse to drink, eat cheese, catch up with family and drink some more. We had a fantastic get together with my aunties, uncles, cousins and some family friends. I got a leetle bit tiddly. I blame my Dad and his super strength gin and tonics. Normally I can drink a few buckets of gin and not feel a thing, but as soon as the old boy is let loose with the Gordons, I'm feeling distinctly squiffy. Very odd.

By far the most impressive thing about the whole occasion was that I got through the weekend without eating any cake. In my crazyness last week, I decided to give up cake, chocolate, biscuits and bread. The reason for all this self denial? I am going to look DAMN good in shorts come the summer. That's pretty much it, to be honest. And I do like to set myself a small challenge to see if I can manage it. Of course, I am going to have to do a bit of exercise to supplement the craziness, which I am going to make plans to do tomorrow...or the day after...or SOON. Please note: I am not giving up the important things like cheese or pasta or alcohol. That would just be silly!

One week into my crazy Lent give-up-fest, and there are two noticable differences. One is that my spots have disappeared. I am one of the unfortunate people in the world who suffers on and off with adult acne and it utterly sucks. Recently it's been worse than it has in a while and I hate it. I'm 31. My skin should have learned how to stop behaving like a teenager, even if the rest of my hasn't caught up yet. Anyway, it's improved dramatically, and let's hope it stays that way. The second difference is that I seem to have lost the ability to string together coherent sentences - I was stuttering like a complete fool today - something that usually only happens when I'm tired or when I'm agitated or excited. But nope, my brain-voice coordination has completely failed. I'm trying to decide if it's better to be spotty but be able to hold an intelligent conversation, or clear skinned and a blathering wreck. If any readers are able to offer an opinion, I'd be most grateful!

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