Thursday, 3 March 2011

Shoepershoe challenge #3 & #4 - two for the price of one

You may remember that I ranted a bit about my journey home from my recent girls night out, but I neglected to mention that it formed a helpful part of the Shoepershoe Challenge. I decided that in honour of Girls' Night Out, I should wear a pair of fabulous shoes (like I need an excuse). The only problem I have though, is that fabulous shoes are not really suited to the day job. I came up with this cunning solution: wear one pair in the day and one pair in the evening. Hoorah!! Admittedly, I did take both photos in the morning, but I did wear both - you can take my word for it. And when you see the party pair, I'm sure you'll understand why I can't NOT wear these babies.

First for the day shoes:
These are a pair of bog standard, M&S ballet flats. Very comfortable, worn to death.

And the party pair:

I don't think I can actually begin to tell you how much I LOVE my green Ravel wedges, they have a pretty bow and everything.

Here's a close up:

Prrreeeeeettttyy shoes. Apart from the sweaty footprint in my flats, but the least said about that, the better I think.

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