Wednesday, 2 February 2011

31st January 2011 - Not making an idiot of myself and shoeper shoe challenges!

I did a clever thing today - I managed to turn up to my course on the right day, in the right place, at the right time. A great achievement, I realise. After the disaster that was last week, I was pleased.

For a while now, I have been blog-following, a woman after my own heart with a passion for all things shoey. Over the last year, Shoeperwoman has been undertaking a challenge to wear all of her collection - use them or lose them. This year, she's encouraging her followers (this is where I come in) to do the same, starting on 14th February. As a long term shoe affictionado (it's genetic - my mother and grandmother are JUST as bad as me), I'm going to give it a go. So, in a little over a week from now, I am going to have to start investigating my archive and wearing my shoes. Please note: I have a lot of fabulous heels and I work in a PARK. It's going to be tough.

So, my happy thing today is OF COURSE my own shoes. There are some very good friends in my cupboard. Actually, there are 54 pairs of friends, and here are a few of my favourites.

As part of the challenge I need to take photos of me wearing the shoes, so look out for my mission to rescue my babies.

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