Sunday, 6 February 2011

In which I get inspired, go shopping and become a domestic goddess

Okay, so I've decided to drop the daily (ish) posting thing. I'm still going to think about my Happy Things and take pictures of them, but just have round ups a couple of times a week. I'm a busy girl.

On Thursday, I went on a conference and met an Inspirational Person. It doesn't happen often in my field, but this week I got lucky. One of the speakers was an ex-sportswoman who had turned away from the multi million ££ lifestyle to open an environmentally sustainable business. There was just totally no bullshit about her, and I really like that. I think, however, I might like to try the multi million lifestyle just a little bit, just for a few weeks, just in case I really like it. It's not likely to happen in this lifetime though.

This weekend has been another quiet one, so I decided to revisit one of my favourite hobbies - shopping. I had a purpose, honest. I needed to buy some black trousers for work. Finding suitable work trousers is kind of like trying to find the holy grail. My most recent pair of black trousers were purchased in 2002 when I started working, so I felt it was reasonable to try and buy some new ones, especially as the old ones went to charity quite a while ago. There's only so much dressing and undressing that I can cope with in one day though, and after the too-tight-camel-toe variety (HOW can size 12 differ so much from place to place??), the too long (is everyone else in the world a giant?) and the downright hideous (I'm not even going to go there), I have been forced to conclude that the trouser look and me just don't go together. So, I went home empty handed... apart from the blue dress and the grey cardigan which had more than 50% off - it was practically free. Obviously. Shopping = Very Happy Thing.

A strange feeling came over me today - I was consumed with the urge to cook huge amounts of food to put in the freezer. Once it is in the freezer, I will admire it and feel smug that I am so efficient, and most likely forget to eat it. Never mind, the motive was a good one. Apart from my crazy cooking afternoon, my Happy Thing for today was my first sighting of spring. Yay! I saw some crocus buds peeping out of the round-about island near to where I live. It's quite a challenge taking a photo whilst in a car in traffic, but I managed it.

 If you look reeeeaaalllly carefully, you might just make them out. Hooray for spring!

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