Saturday, 26 February 2011

Water, water, everywhere...

Don't you just hate it when you come home from a great night out with the girls to find not one, but TWO people having a wee in your road?? What is it that encourages the nation's youth to piddle liberally in public? The first one was bad enough - five metres away from the main road, and I was forced to athletically leap over the small stream that was running down the pavement. I was NOT amused: I was wearing my favourite pair of shoes (as is warranted on girly nights out). I continued on my way with much tutting and huffing and turned down the side alley that leads to my gate. 'Nearly home, pyjamas, tea, bedbedbed', I was thinking merrily to myself. Not quite.

Perhaps here I should explain: the gate to my flat is located at the end of an alley (where I park my car). The alley is rather wide, has a dead end and obviously space for parking. Anyway, back to my journey home... As I turned into the alley, I was firstly almost mown down by a youth on a bicycle who was SHOUTING at a girl who was SQUATTING down behind my car. With the evident intention of weeing there. 'Please don't wee on my car!' I cried (I'd had a few drinks - otherwise I would have scuttled off). A conversation then ensued between the two youths as to if she was going to go there or not, as I flung myself through my gate in shock. I think that she made apologetic noises, but I'm not sure if that was real, or the shock of being caught short behind a car. I was VERY relieved to finally get home.

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