Thursday, 10 February 2011

Just call me Jane Fonda...

I have been SO good this week. I've been for a run, a long walk, and yesterday I did my first ever Zumba class and it's ONLY Thursday. Even better - I've been really healthy at eating, have had no crisps at all AND my lunch today included celery. I seriously think I've lost AT LEAST half a stone. I'm sure I deserve to after all that effort.

I thought I had better be good this week as my cousin Lizzie is visiting me for the weekend. Our family feel we are a Bad Influence On Each Other - mainly because when we get together we drink a lot of red wine and giggle. So, I've been detoxing in preparation for the retox.

Back to the Zumba thing - on Monday I decided I would try a new exercise class. I already run a bit, play badminton and up until The Fall, was a fairly regular rider, so I'm not hideously unfit - but I fancied a change. Now, I decided to do this on Monday because it takes me a while to talk myself into committing to exercise - I have to psych myself up to it. This way there's less chance of me getting 'distracted' by sitting down when I get home. So, last night, I ventured to Zumba. I registered, signed in, and then spent 10 minutes standing at the side of the room all by myself humming to myself and sporadically checking my phone, just for something to do, and smiling at other loners. You see, I was Brave, and went on my own. Anyway, no one talked to me - I think maybe the inane smiling and humming might have made the wrong impression.

All of a sudden, everyone arranged themselves into lines and the dancing (zumba-ing, whatever you call it) began. I found a space and attempted to fling myself in the right directions at the right times. I only got a few evil looks (mainly from the woman next to me - I think she took some form of instant dislike) and managed not to hit anyone (or myself). I have reasonable rhythm, but it turns out that somewhere in the last few years I seem to have misplaced the ability to coordinate my arms and legs with each other. My arms in particular behaved in a very unruly fashion - they were either doing everything backwards, in the wrong direction or, rather alarmingly, at double speed. It was like they didn't belong to me at all. I shouldn't really be shocked by this, as I am the only person I know who has managed to hit their own self in the head with their own badminton raquet. No, I don't know how I managed that either.

Today my body is punishing me a bit for all this unwarranted exercise, but I guess that just means it's working. I certainly feel a bit smug from my excesses, and feel justified in being lazy tonight, and celebrated by putting on my pyjamas when I got home from work. It's also raining. A lot.

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