Thursday, 17 February 2011


It's Thursday already and I have NO idea where this week has gone, or what I've been doing for most of it. I do know that work has been Very Busy. I'm not sure I even have anything interesting or funny to write about, but I thought I'd make the effort and do some Good Typing, just in case anyone is interested in what I have to say.

I had the fortuitous opportunity this week to display some of my control freakiness about Time Management. Now, this is a MAJOR issue of mine. Whenever I've arranged to see anyone (friends/family/work/doctors/ANYTHING) I am always, always at least 15 minutes early, I tend to add contingencies for contingencies onto my journeys. I spend a lot of time waiting. And waiting. And looking at my watch. And waiting. I think you get the picture. In the strange corridors that make up my mind, if you make a meeting for 2pm, it STARTS at 2pm, so you be there, ready, BEFORE then. I hopped about with a great deal of impatience yesterday when the group of students I was working with were late. I think I went out to look for them (just in case they missed the BIG ENTRANCE DOOR) about five times, stared out of the window at everyone who went past and . This week so far, I spend 25 minutes waiting for my friends at the Museum of London, about half an hour on Tuesday and another 20 minutes today for another meeting. That's over an hour of my life I have wasted this week stomping about and muttering to myself in a sort of '...late...rude...useless...big stick...late' fashion. Argh. This is NOT GOOD. I need to make people wait for ME for a change (I think I'm worth it...).

As for things that have made me happy for the last few days, I've been rushing about so much that I haven't had the chance to take pictures of anything. I wore my favourite shoes on Tuesday (just cos I could - that's the level of craziness I work to), and the sun looked amazing as I left work today. I also saw some real life daffodils growing out of the ground (and not out of a bucket in Tesco).

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