Wednesday, 2 February 2011

28th & 29th January 2011 - OUCH

So I've been doing good photographing of happy things each day - just not of posting so I'm settling down for a catch up session this evening.

The weekend was another quiet one, I do enjoy the credit crunch SO much. And luckily, this weekend began with no hangover, which was a bonus. I don't remember doing anything of great excitement at all on Saturday - it was one of those sorts of days. Sunday though, was a bit more dramatic.

After a lot of soul searching, procrastinating and moaning to everyone who would listen (and a few who probably didn't - I'm sorry about that) I've decided to give up the horse share. It's expensive, a long way to travel and I REALLY need to save up some money after the redundancy thing and ploughing through my savings. So, today was my last ride as a proper sharer. I was expecting a few tears, perhaps a bit of an emotional goodbye with Connor when he'd try to knock me over with his head, bite me - that sort of thing.


It was a beautiful sunny day, so we went for a last hack around the beautiful Epsom Downs. The view from the top was amazing, I could see right across London. I thought it would be nice to have one last gallop up the hill before we headed for home. So off we went. Like a rocket - or even worse - like my sister after a packet of Skittles. And he wouldn't stop. Not for me, not for the walkers who were forced to leap out of the way to safety, and finally not for the LARGE TREE IN FRONT OF US. I did the only thing possible in such a situation, I fell off, into a bush. Note to readers: falling off a horse galloping flat out is NOT FUN. The two main thoughts that flashed through my mind were 'how the hell am I going to catch the disobedient bigger' and 'how the hell do I get back on'. Luckily, I managed not only to do both, but not cause myself any significant damage. I do have this rather beautiful reminder though

As bruises go, I think it's quite splendid.

As for the Happy Thing in this whole episode, it's probably that I didn't break my neck. You've got to take pleasure in the simple things!

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