Monday, 21 February 2011

The one where I do something daft. Again.

Occasionally, in my busy life of Woman About Town (this is what I would like you to believe, my real life of Woman On Sofa is considerably less exciting), I manage to do something quite surprisingly stupid. This is not perhaps as rare an occurance as I would like it to be. This week, I reminded myself quite how skillful I am in the stupidity area. On my way out of the house to fulfull the important task of getting my fringe cut, I closed the door behind me with a sinking feeling. I was on the outside, but my keys were on the inside. Yes folks, I managed to lock myself out of my own house.

Now - I have to be thankful for small mercies - if I didn't do these occasionally daft things, I would have a lot less to write about, so I guess every cloud really DOES have a silver lining. However, when it's pouring with rain and I can see my keys through the letterbox, I am inclined to have something of a sense of humour failure.

It's not like it's the first time I've forgotten to pick up my keys before I leave the house either, I have in fact done it before. At least this time I was alone. Last time I was with my sister and I don't think she was amused. However, I did manage to fashion a rather magnificent key-fishing tool out of a coat hanger, a bamboo cane and a roll of parcel tape (those endless years of avid Blue Peter watching evidently paid off). AND I managed to get my keys with it. This time though, there were no helpful neighbours nearby and the most useful things I could find were a couple of soggy sticks and some garden wire. I managed to prod my keys slightly further away from the door, but that's as far as it got. I was forced to admit defeat, phone The Housemate and sound pathetic enough for him to come and let me back in. Luckily, he did, and I only had to sit shivering on the steps outside my flat for about 15 minutes. Just enough time to phone my parents to tell them how stupid I was and to update my Facebook status to let the whole world know too. (WHY do I feel the need to do that?)

So, my happy thing really has to be the wonder of human kindness. It's good to know that there are helpful people out there when you are in the middle of a personally inflicted crisis. Now, where can I hide the spare set of keys....

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