Saturday, 29 January 2011

w/c 24th January 2011 - yes, I've been a bit busy...

Yes, I realise I have not updated this over the last week at all. My excuse - I've been really busy. BUSY. Work is crazy at the moment and all I have the energy to do at the moment when I get home is sit in a corner, panting slightly, cooking carbohydrates and then falling asleep on the sofa. I've also been a little premenstrual, which probably explains the carbs fixation, but we won't dwell on that too much.

On Wednesday, I went out with a couple of friends to the Science Museum Late event. It was super cool. You get to play with all the fun exhibits, drink wine at the same time and do extra special activities for grown ups, like...brass rubbing. It's like having permission to be a kid again. The whole event was about the Science of Attraction, so you could take part in a classy traffic light party, or do speed dating. Frankly, I found the opportunity to build an arch out of foam blocks and make shadow patterns a lot more entertaining. I also took a picture of this...

It's an Archimedes Screw. Not exciting to many people, admittedly, but for work reasons (which I won't bore you with), I was excited to see one in real life.
Friday saw me Doing Something Embarrassing in Public, which is a relatively regular occurrance. It usually happens on courses when I generally make a fair attempt to give the impression of sophisticated intelligence. Last year, on various courses, I managed to:
  • mingle with my course colleagues (management course) with my skirt tucked into my knickers. And NO ONE TOLD ME. Luckily, I have a nice bottom.
  • walk into a glass door in full view of my course collgeaues. Splat.
This time, I managed to turn up for a course a FULL THREE DAYS EARLY. Not good. This means I have to go again on Monday and probably be reminded that I have an inability to read dates properly. Someone, please commit me now.

On Friday I also went out for drinks with A Boy. Now, this is a particular friend of mine who I'm trying to discover if he has more than a friendly interest in me. This is when the traffic light stickers could have been useful: green = yes please, yellow = possibly, red = don't be so stupid, no one is interested in girls who can't read dates/tuck skirts in knickers/walk into doors. I have finished the evening non the wiser, and strangely not anywhere near as drunk as my companion. It would appear I have a relatively good tolerance for gin. I have also admitted that I went for drinks with A Boy, which means that if my mother ever reads this, she's going to get wildly overexcited that I might be on the way to Not Being Left On The Shelf. Argh. 

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