Tuesday, 11 January 2011

10th January 2011 - Happy birthday to meeeeeee!

Happy birthday to me indeed. And the first voice I heard this morning was my dear father singing down the phone although he was singing to my voicemail, admittedly. Sadly however, I wasn't enjoying a lazy lie in, I was on my way to work. I am just SO dedicated to the cause. And I had hopes that they might get me a present, or at least a card. Luckily for me, they did, and here it is - my happy thing for the day.

I did have more than the one birthday card (although the one from my parents STILL hasn't arrived - bloody Royal Fail) but I particularly liked this one. Usually, my birthday cards revolve around the theme of shoes and handbags (it's like my friends think I have a lot of shoes and handbags. I have NO idea why...). This one is made of fuzzy felts. My sister and I have a lot of fuzzy felts when I was a child and I am not ashamed to admit that I passed a rather satisfactory 10 minutes playing with these.

And just to prove that at the grand old age of 31, you're never too old to stop learning - today I learned that there is such a thing as Too Much Cake. It would seem that three pieces really is my limit.

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