Wednesday, 19 January 2011

18th January 2011 - art and accidents

Well, apparently yesterday was the most depressing day of the year. I can't say I found it THAT bad, but it really was pretty dull. In fact, I can't remember that anything interesting happened at all, so on that note, I'll move swiftly on.

Today did not get off to the best start. I was late, and it seemed like the Powers That Be had made the executive decision to dig up most of the roads I drive on to get to work. Very considerate of them, indeed. This made me later, which in turn made me irritated, which unfortunately (for my cash flow) made me a wee bit careless. Luckily, no one was hurt. Let's just say that there was a flat tyre, a bit of a pathetic female act on my part and an inpromptu trip to the garage. I guess someone upstairs is trying to teach me an Important Life Lesson, about Not Rushing. Like I'll take THAT on board...

Back to business and my happy thing for today. This afternoon I was running a consultation focus group with a bunch of local families (a typical random occurance in the Daily Life Of Me) which was a lot of fun, although they did eat ALL the biscuits, leaving none left for me. Anyway, one of the children (a small one) drew me a picture. This is it.

I think it's rather Special. I think it might be a picture of grass, but I'm really not that sure.

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