Sunday, 9 January 2011

9th January 2011 - happy hangover and general laziness

So, the overindulgence of yesterday did result in a headache, one of those good ones that LASTS ALL DAY. And i didn't have any painkillers. In the end, I had to resort to some ancient cold and flu tablets - they were the only thing I had in the medicine drawer that had any form of useful ingredient. They must have worked, because now I feel fine.

My happy Sunday picture is of the pattern on my birthday pyjamas.

Groovy. I decided last night that since my friends had made the kind effort to come to my birthday do and bring me presents, the very LEAST I could do was open them. I've saved all the cards for my real birthday tomorrow though, just so I have something to open on the real day. These were a present from my friend Nic and are super comfy, and really rather gorgeous to boot. I am NOT looking so gorgeous today for some reason...and have chosen to spend the majority of the day wearing the said pyjamas. It's not like it's something I do often....much. I did make it out of the house for a little while and went for a ride in the sunshine though, so I don't feel too guilty about spending the rest of the day lying down.

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