Tuesday, 18 January 2011

16th January 2011 - Hooray for small miracles

This was a pretty uneventful Sunday for me really, in which I spent most of the morning lying in bed, most of the afternoon out riding in the rain and most of the evening lying on the sofa contemplating the week ahead. Fun times.

There was one major note worthy occurrance today though, which coincidentally is also my happy thing, today was the day in which The Housemate DID CLEANING!! I really hope you don't think me overly crazy for getting overexcited by this, and thinking it an interesting blog post, but it honestly it really did cheer up my day. The Housemate is a great chap, but he has a habit of not cleaning, thanking me for cleaning the bathroom (only ever the bathroom, never the WHOLE HOUSE) and constantly telling me that he means to do the cleaning only I do it before he has a chance. Now I am not an anally-retentive-constantly-cleaning manic with a strange fetish for rubber gloves and bleach, I just have a small issue with filth, in that I choose not to live in it.

Anyway, I feel like I might have yapped on about cleaning for FAR longer than is interesting or healthy, so I'll leave it at that. And no, I won't be posting a picture of my beautifully clean bathroom, because that would just be odd.  

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