Thursday, 6 January 2011

6th January 2011 - Happy friends

This evening I have said bye bye to Christmas and have put away my tree and decorations. I'm also feeling MUCH better than I did yesterday, which is good news because this Saturday I am celebrating my 31st birthday. My actual birthday isn't until Monday, but Saturday night is better for alcoholic celebrations, not being a school night and all.

I'm kind of looking forward to being 31. I was scared about being 30 (it sounds so grown up) and most of the year ended up being something of a wash out, although it did pick up considerably towards the end. So, a year older, and a little bit wiser (not much, but hopefully enough), I am feeling quite positive about the new year ahead.

I'll be seeing quite a few of my friends at the weekend for my birthday, as well as my little sister, which made me feel very happy today as they all said they were looking forward to it, so hooray for my lovely friends, you are my happy thing for today.

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