Monday, 3 January 2011

1st January 2011 - Happy New Year View

Okay, so I don't usually bother with making New Years resolutions - I never manage to keep them and the whole 'eat healthier, do more exercise' thing is a bit over done (and something I seriously consider every Sunday morning, and give up usually sometime on Tuesday afternoon when the Hobnobs begin calling).

This year I've decided to do something different. Those who know me well will know that 2010 was not a great year for me (redundancy, 9 months of unemployment, blah blah, I don't want to bore you before we start to get to know each other) so I want 2011 to be better. I feel like I wasted a lot of my time last year concentrating on sad things, so here it is (ta daaaa!!) my 2011 Happy Things blog. So, welcome!! If anyone ever reads this then do, please, join in.

Every day I'm going to find something that makes me feel happy, take a picture of it and post it here. I want to create a record of 365 different things that cheer me up over the course of the year. A tall order, indeed, but one that I am going to try and stick to. Wish me luck!

So New Years Day found me a little hung over in the beautiful village of Rothbury in Northumberland. If you've never been to Northumberland, then go (sandy beaches, castles, and the pubs are MUCH cheaper than London). There are a lot of things up there that make me happy. On my traditional New Years Day walk (you know what I mean, the bracing walk you take out in the countryside in an attempt to feel healthy, thinking 'hmmm, must do this more often' before collapsing in front of the television afterwards, exhausted, with half a box of Cadbury's Roses) I saw this view. I thought it was rather nice, so I hope that you do too.    

Happy New Year everyone!!

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