Monday, 3 January 2011

2nd January 2011 - The long journey home...and unexpected presents

Well, much as I love my sojurns up to Northumberland, it takes a bloody long time to get back to London. Believe me, there is not very much happiness to find on the A1, and I did try my best.

And on arrival back in the flat I share in London, there was even less to be happy about. I go away for two weeks, and has my flatmate done any cleaning?......NO. I have to admit there was some stomping and aggressive hoovering on my part. I wouldn't normally have bothered (just indulged in some fabulously pithy but entirely imaginary scoldings) but after 8 hours in the car, all you want is a bath, and after motorway service station sandwiches, all you want to do is cook a fabulously healthy stirfry, and it's hard to enjoy either of those thngs when your house is FILTHY. Anyway, he did apologise and I did tell him that his New Years resolution was to DO MORE CLEANING. Steve, if you ever read this, then DO SOME HOOVERING, WASH THE FLOOR, DUST, please, if only for my sanity, which I know is tenuous at the best of times.

In the midst of the dirt, there was a light of hopeful happiness that did indeed brighten my day. It was this:
A PRESENT!! FOR ME!! I love late Christmas Presents. They make me very happy. This was a present from my oldest friend Tigs who I have recently got back in touch with. She sent me Stephen Fry's autobiography. I love Stephen Fry. Last time I saw Tigs, we had a drunken conversation about Who We Would Invite To Our Imaginary Dinner Party. I think the only person we could agree on was Stephen Fry (and possibly David Attenborough, and maybe Helena Bonham Carter but I can't really remember). Just goes to show that even on tediously tedious days, happy things do happen. Hooray!

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