Thursday, 13 January 2011

11th January 2011 - Run rabbit run

I had a food hangover this morning from all that cake yesterday. I couldn't even manage to eat breakfast which is most unlike me. I did consider making my Happy Thing for today salad, but it made me feel Virtuous rather than Happy, which doesn't really count.

Today I went running for the first time this year, and I was very happy with myself for finally making the effort. If I'd actually gone when I started thinking about going, I would have probably had time to have run about 5 kilometers and done a relaxing su doku afterwards. As it was, I spent at least half an hour procrastinating about whether or not I could be bothered to go. If I don't spend the entire journey home from work psyching myself up to do it, then I have to waste time doing it when I get home. Really, I think the three pieces of cake from yesterday made it rather necessary that I do SOME form of exercise... 

Hmm, actually, I think my best thing for today was a certain amount of flirtation with a certain person. Or at least I THINK it was flirtation. I wish there was a manual.

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