Sunday, 9 January 2011

8th January 2011 - Party party!

A very happy today because it was birthday party time.

I didn't get the day off to a completely glamorous start. I went to get my haircut and managed to completely embarrass myself by dropping the credit card machine on the floor. Classy. There was a very panicked 10 minutes whilst they tried to put it back together again and make it work whilst I stood by the desk like a right numpty doing Good Apologising. I hope that the crash didn't frighten the stylists and result in any startled hair/ear clipping. Yikes.

Back to business and here is my happy picture of the day. (although I think it was probably a NOT happy picture for Sunday...)

Yes, I enjoyed far too much of this. That's the problem with birthdays - everyone buys you drinks and it's rude not to drink them. And keep drinking them. And then possibly drink some more (whilst getting sensible friends to get you sneaky glasses of water). I did have a lovely time though, lots of my friends came and it was great to catch up with them all.

Cudos in particular has to go to my good friend Vicky. She couldn't decide what to wear, so I suggested that she go shopping. Unfortunately (for her husband) she took my advice, bought three outfits, and had the difficult decision of having TOO MUCH CHOICE. It's alright for some... 

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