Thursday, 20 January 2011

20th January 2011 - Looking up

Yeah, well I said that yesterday I'd have a lie in this morning, and I did. For all of 7 minutes. Obviously my body had other ideas. It's got to be one of the most ANNOYING things (along with non-cleaning housemates, repetitive floorboard squeaking from upstairs neighbours and running out of marmite - gah).

Today I've been on a training course up in London, so I had to battle through the cheerful commuters up to Victoria and shove my way though all the suited and booted yuppy people. I feel like they know I don't belong there or something, just because I wear a hat.

Anyway, one of the things I like to do when I'm in London is to LOOK UP. Try it next time you're rushing about, I promise you'll like it, there are some spectacular buildings about.

This is Westminster Cathedral, and it's one of my favourites. I love the stripey bricks. I've never seen anyone going in or anyone coming out, just lots of people scurring past without a second glance. I felt like a bit of a plonker stopping to take a photo in the middle of the crowds, but hey, I'm not really one for caring what people think! :-)

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