Thursday, 13 January 2011

12th January 2011 - Time for bed

Today was a loooooooong day, so my Happiest Thing for today happened when I got home.

Yep, it was my bed. After a 13 hour working day, I was very glad to see it. I was even gladder that I could lie in it and catch up with the new series of Glee on iplayer. I. Was. Knackered. Why is it though that when you are completely exhausted, the bit of road you want to drive home on has been dug up and (even worse) closed, and forces you to drive around aimlessly for a while squinting at bus stops as you try to work out where exactly you are. The yellow diversion signs NEVER POINT YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

Anyway, today we had our New Year party after work for all of our lovely volunteers. (I work in a place with a lot of them, they are fantastic) I ate far too many pastry, cheese, and cheese-and-pastry based products from the buffet, bleurgh. I feel like a human quiche now, I really do.

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