Thursday, 6 January 2011

5th January 2011 - Germs! and a very old photo

Well, I didn't write this yesterday, which was the actual 5th January because I have had The Germ. I went to bed instead. I could tell I was ill because I wasn't hungry AT ALL, something which really never happens to me (more's the pity). I didn't think I was going to find anything to be happy about, other than Lemsip, which was helping me to feel marginally less deathlike than started off as. Luckily, my Dad sent me an email with a picture on it, which cheered me up no end. Thanks Dad!!

This is a picture of me and my friend Tigs when we were very little girls. I'm the one in the pink cardigan with the rabbit slippers. Just goes to show that even then, I had amazing style and great fashion sense.  

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