Monday, 24 January 2011

22nd & 23rd January 2011 - pasta, ponies, pyjamas and purling

I'm a little bit anxious that I am going to spemd a lot of this blog prattling on about some of my favourite things: food, knitting and horse riding; all of which featured in this weekend. Hence no happy photo (it would have been repetitive), just happy memories.

I decided that this weekend I was going to take it easy, see nobody and enjoy some 'me' time. I do enjoy these sorts of weekends occasionally. I think it's important to ignore the rest of the world sometimes and spend as much of a weekend as is possible wearing pyjamas (even during trips to Tesco).

I started Saturday with a potter into town to get my fringe cut. Usually I do it myself (sometimes more wonkily than others) but I am trying to Be Good this year, so I sought professional assistance. Hairdressers always shake their heads disparagingly when I tell them that I lop bits off my hair when it annoys me. After that, I meandered home via the DVD rental place, the wool shop (where I bought a gorgeous new pattern book with my birthday wool voucher) and I was very impressed with myself for not going into the lovely shop with the 70% sale sign in the window. NOTE: I get paid on Tuesday, I might go next weekend....
I then spent the afternoon watching Toy Story 3 and knitting (much fun) and then spent the evening asleep on the sofa with the peaceful and soporific lullaby of the film Inception in the background. (If anyone can tell me what the hell THAT was all about, I'd be most grateful. I mostly found it a helpful stimulant for napping).

The highlight of Sunday was a long, two hour ride out with a couple of the other people from the stable where Connor lives. We had a lovely time, although the disobedient old camel did decide that he was a contestant in the Derby and galloped past the other horses when they were cantering along in a much more sedate fashion. Please don't take this as a sign of my inability as a rider, it's not easy to stop 17 plus hands of ex-showjumper when he gets an idea into his head. My job is merely to stay on his back and recite as many four letter words as I know. And, as it turns out, I know quite a few.

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