Monday, 3 January 2011

3rd January 2011 - Galloping!

So I woke up this morning and my housemate was hoovering. This caused me to wonder if wishes I put on here actually come true, so PLEASE CAN I WIN THE LOTTERY??

Anyway, my happy highlight of a fairly dull day doing all of those boring things on the last day of the Christmas holidays (laundry, battling through Sainsburys, buying Lemsip to ward off the incoming cold, trying to ignore the mountain of stuff left to unpack - note to self: pack lighter next time) was a trip out with the horse I ride, Connor. He's the subject of my happy photo of the day.

He's a handsome chap, isn't he? He's also the main reason that I didn't completely lose my sanity when I was unemployed last year. An expensive hobby, yes, but I suspect cheaper than a therapist and healthier than a course of antidepressants. He mostly always makes me happy apart from the time when he trod on my foot (he's big) or when he occasionally sticks his tongue out when we're riding (it's embarrassing...and big). Today we did fast galloping. I forgot all about all of the boring things I should be doing and that I have to go back to work tomorrow. Back to the real world now though, and I need to go and put away enough stuff so that I have room enough to sleep in.  

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