Thursday, 13 January 2011

13th January 2011 - Completely rational behaviour and life's little indulgences

Thursday today, and I actually managed to get up less than 10 minutes after my alarm went off, I remembered to do both of the things I needed to sort out before I went in AND I made a proper packed lunch. YAY ME!! I just wish I managed to do this every morning.

Today I had to play Useless Female in order to get the stupid projector and laptop to work. I think I got away with it. Am I the only person who attempts the whole pathetic little woman act to get help with these things? Anyway, it worked, which was the main thing.

I was annoyed when I got home. You know, one of those jolly occasions when you are annoyed for No Particular Reason but most minor occurances are Severely Irritating. The things that irritated me today were:
  • There was mess in the kitchen. I don't know if this was The Housemate or The Gas Man, but there was mess, and I had to deal with it.
  • The Housemate was out so I couldn't tell him off about it, and perhaps stomp around muttering about the fact that he STILL HASN'T DONE ANY CLEANING
  • It rained when I was riding. RAINED. How dare it.
  • There was a lot of traffic on the M25 on my way home. Hardly surprising, but ANNOYING.
  • The birthday card from my parents STILL HASN'T ARRIVED. Dammit.
  • My mum and my sister both phoned and left messages whilst I was driving. I was DRIVING. I COULDN'T ANSWER.
Anyway, in light of my completely rational and entirely understandable general mood of pissed-off-ness, I turned to the really only thing that would solve my problem and make me happy again. No, not shoes...

Chocolate. Need I say more?

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