Wednesday, 19 January 2011

19th January 2011 - I love Colin Firth

Okay, so you've probably guessed from the title..I went to see the King's Speech today. Here's the evidence...

It was reallyreallyREALLY good. That Colin is a damn good actor. I won't bore you with a long description of the films amazingness, because (a) that might be spoiling it for you and (b) I am not a particularly worthy or knowledgeable film critic. If there's a historical costume, a handsome man and a bag of pic n mix, I'm a very satisfied bunny.

Some other things made me happy today, so I've made a list.
  • The sunshine - it really has been a beautiful day
  • The frosty morning, I wish I remembered to get pictures of it
  • The flapjack my assistant made - it was delicious 
  • The lie in I am having in the morning as I'm on a training day! Yay!

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