Tuesday, 4 January 2011

4th Jan 2011 - Groovy tights

Well, today was Back To Work Day. Not my favourite sort of day, but overall, not too bad. I think the world was struggling to come to terms with the whole getting back into the swing of things. The heating at work had broken AGAIN and I drove home following a man who used his hazard warning lights instead of his indicators. Was he going left? Was he going right? Who knows?

My (not very good) happy photo today is of my funky tights. I've not tried taking pictures of my own legs before (why would you really want to) and it was actually a lot harder than I would have expected. The tights were a Christmas present from my cousin Liz. I sometimes like to, let's say, 'enhance' my outfit by wearing what my mother would call 'eccentric' tights. I like to look on it as a minor form of rebellion in an otherwise fairly mundane setting. An historical note: I wore my craziest tights on the day I got made redundant, just because I could, and because I hoped they would annoy the grey, grey and boring management consultant types who gave me the boot. You know what they say, if you're going to go down, you go down fighting...and looking damn good in the process.


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